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Sunday, December 19, 2010

VTT Artist Onboard - Hendersin

Hailing from great state of Massachussetts, Tyronne "Hendersin" Henderson is a breath of fresh air in the hip hop game. In an industry where cats strive to outdo their competition with lavish claim of accolades and lifestyles they've never lived, Heni doesn't participate.

Instead, the former hoops star turned rhyme-slayer brings some of the purest most honest bars ever to be spit into a mic, with each lyrical gem created from genuine experiences. 24/7 you can find Hendersin recording on the mountain side in rural Western, MA using music as an outlet to expose the many sides of this complex rising hip hop prodigy. Did I mention, he doesn't write anything down?

Hendersin creates music with impressive versatility, from feel good party jams that celebrate his success in the face of struggle, to deep dark tracks about the pain of never knowing his biological family, and of course some swaggered out love tracks that leave the ladies eating outta the palm of his hand.

It gives us great pleasure to have Hendersin onboard the Vibe to This team. He's an amazing talent, personality, and artist. We invite you to join us as we give you a window into his music and career as he hustles his way to hip hop stardom. Shouts to his amazing management team led by Corey Ricketts at NR Cyrkle.

When Heni drops new material you best believe you'll find it here on vibetothis.com. MA Hip Hop Standup!

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Sample Tracks:

Download: Hendersin - "Livin' My Life"

Download: Hendersin - "Sincerely, Yours"

Download: Hendersin - Bruno Mars "The Way Your Are" Remix

Checkout Hendersin's Mixtapes:

Here's and Exclusive Video from when vibetothis was up in the Western MA Mountains hanging out with Hendersin.  Just a taste of this kids talent. Straight Heat.

"I'll Be Around" Freeverse (Live Video)